or storied about how you named your characters. For example, a cool name for a male mage might be generated as "Galanus the Malevolent". Famous Mage Names. There are names that are pretty common dragon names, and then there are mage names. So i have been holding on to a few fire mage names forever. Tweet Generate mage names Select a gender and naming style, then click the button to generate mage names. Anyone who uses or performs magic originating from supernatural, occult, or arcane source, a wizard known as a mage, Warlock, Witz, enchant / enchanter or sorcerer or spell caster. Popular comps w/o an abbreviation or name: WW/Mage/Healer Ret/Warrior/Healer Ele/Frost Mage/Healer (the original Spell cleave that lost its name to “all spell cleaves”) Suprisingly this only took me about 20 minutes. Ill be using one of them in legion and i cant decide! Cool mage names can be found with our mage name generator. Feel free to add current comps I might’ve missed or some weird old ones in the comments. They are also present in many fantasy games such as World of Warcraft also known as WoW. To avoid interference with their spellcasting, magi wear only cloth armor, but arcane shields and enchantments give them additional protection. Always fun to reminisce Does anyone else have any funny mage names? How to Make a WoW Character with Cool Letters - Joana's 1-60 Classic WoW Horde & Alliance Speed Leveling Guides- Have you ever seen those chars with names like ÇÉL? World of Warcraft Troll Name Generator & Guide “Yes, mon. Found in fantasy literature, they derive their power from supernatural or occult sources. PvP & PvE rankings, players rankings, best guilds, classes & race rankings, gear, gems, enchants, talents & builds stats Firemagic Pyroblasting Combustions … Mage Names. Students gifted with a keen intellect and unwavering discipline may walk the path of the Mage. - Now is the time to do it. ;) named my goblin warlock Nirti dunno if it's real but it's a reference to stargate sg-1, there was a character named nirti who was supposed to be the goddess of destruction, i just liked the sound of it. The arcane magic available to magi is both great and dangerous, and thus is revealed only to the most devoted practitioners. They use letters called Extended Ascii Characters, and all you have to … So I was running my lowbie priest around today and saw a mage named "Roguetarget." A mage is a fantasy character skilled in the art of magic. yep yep another one of these topics but instead of the usual guild names how about clever character names instead. Well this is how they do it. Fantasy Team Names Football Baseball Basketball Racing Golf Soccer Hockey Funny Team Names Group Chat For Girls For Work Walking Fitness Girls Softball Running Dance. This article is a list of mages that are known from around Azeroth, Outland, alternate Draenor and Argus. All I could do was lol. Mage names generator; choose from traditional, cool and funny mage names to suit the gender and character of your mage. For information about playing the class in World of Warcraft, see Mage. by @niftygnomes. Mage Names . Da chief be sayin’ we attack at dawn.” – one of the trolls said to his clanmate as they sat around the fire, sharpening their weapons.